The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is a campus committee empowered by federal regulations to oversee research and educational activities involving vertebrate animals, except human beings. The IACUC is responsible for the review and monitoring of animal research and educational activities and the facilities housing animals for research and animal activities.

Any faculty member or student conducting research, research training, experimentation, biological testing, or use of animals for educational activities, and related activities, involving any living vertebrate animal (other than human beings) conducted at ISU, or at another institutions as a consequence of the subgrating or subcontracting of a PHS-conducted or-supported activity by ISU, must submit an application to the ISU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before research begins with animals. Depending on the research and data collected, it may also be necessary to submit an application to the ISU Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and if humans are the subject of the research, to the ISU Institutional Review Board (IRB).

The application, hereafter “protocol,” must be approved by IACUC prior to beginning the research.

  • If you question whether or not your research needs compliance approval from IACUC, please email Dr. Shaad Ahmad.
  • If your research requires approval from more than one compliance committee, you must submit separate protocols to each committee via IRBNet.

Getting Started

The duties of the IACUC are to review at least once every six months ISU compliance with PHS and USDA policies regarding the use of animals in research and education. IACUC also prepares semi-annual, annual, and triennial reports for federal agencies. IACUC also reviews concerns involving the care and use of animals at ISU. In accord with federal regulations, the IACUC reviews and approves, requires modifications in (to secure approval), or withhold approval of activities related to the care and use of animals; reviews and approves, require modifications in, or withhold approval for ongoing activities, modifications, and continuing review, including suspension of an activity involving animals. In short, the IACUC facilitates the ethical care, treatment, and use of animals while monitoring compliance with federal regulations.

To submit an application to the IACUC you must use IRBNet (see instructions below for entering the site). Once you have signed in to IRBNet, select the Indiana State University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). A set of ISU-IACUC forms is available on IRBNet under Forms and Templates.

All IACUC applications must have a Principal Investigator (PI) sign to indicate responsibility for the project and for training personnel on the project. The PI must be a full-time tenured or tenure track employee. This does not preclude having junior personnel involved in submission of the applications to the committee but there must be a PI aware of the details of the project, involved in the teaching and responsible for the oversight of the project.

CITI Training (see link to CITI Programs; to the right) is required for all personnel involved in projects that require IACUC oversight. Proof of training must be submitted with the application to the IACUC. Details of the exact modules that should be passed prior to submission of an application can be found within the IRBNet site.

IACUC approval is granted for up to three years. However, no project can go on for more than 12 months without review. A reminder email will be sent 60 days prior to the end of the approval period. Yearly review occurs by submitting an Annual Update Form found in the Forms and Templates section. If a project extends beyond three years, a triennial review is required, in essence a new application that can be updated.

The ISU Occupational Health Program for Animal Exposure applies to all personnel (students, faculty, and staff) who come into direct contact with animals, animal tissue, or animal by-products and those who engage in animal research at ISU. 

OHPAE Program

Enrollment Instructions 

OHPAE Enrollment Questionnaire 

Private Practitioner Evaluation 

Committee Membership and Meetings

The IACUC meets semiannually in April and October, or as needed.


Shaad Ahmad


Chair, Associate Professor of Biology

Renee HawkinsVice Chairperson, Department of Biology
Katherine LeeDepartment of English
David FriedrichCommunity Member
James HolscherConsulting Veterinarian
Will ProutyCommunity Member